Construction projects consume large quantities of materials, produce tons of waste and often include a debate between the preservation of buildings of historical significance and a developer’s desire for newer and more modern designs.
Rising temperatures are causing climate change and related natural disasters across the globe.
Construction contributes around 40% of carbon dioxide towards global emissions.
The concept of sustainability has not been accepted widely.
People have been reluctant to change and to compromise the lifestyles they live at present.

We ensure that our use of resources will not have detrimental effects to our collective well-being and preserve materials and resources for future use.
Design Unbound can help you
Reduce your dependency on fossil fuel energy
Meet 50% of your energy requirements from renewable energy
Reduce the total carbon emissions of your project
Create an environment that is sensitive and inclusive to people and the environment
Practicing sustainable architecture reflects in the usage of building materials, construction methods, resources and design in general. The space has to be constructed with the goal of achieving long-term energy and resource efficiency beyond being functional and aesthetically superior.
Purpose and Goals
Sustainable architecture has become a major consideration in how buildings and cities are being built as construction has become a substantial global energy consumer​
Building with natural materials generates less waste. It helps reduce consumption of energy and resources as well​
Implementing Sustainable Architecture ensures holistic development and economic, environmental and social improvements
Environmental Goals:
Conservation of natural resources.
Reduction in energy consumption.
Protection of ecosystems and environmental biodiversity.
Improvement of air and water quality.
Economic Goals:
Reduction in long-term costs and continued dependence on traditional energy sources.
Competitive advantages due to ecologically efficient buildings.
Social Goals:
Improvement of living conditions and health of individuals.
Air and water quality improvement.
Rethink: Design in a way that considers people and the environment. Improve the user’s air and water quality usage.
Reduce: The environmental effects of construction, energy consumption and waste generated in a building.
Replace commercially used, unsustainable materials with local materials and low carbon alternatives. Intruduce renewable energy sources to meet power demands.
Reuse: One man’s waste can be another man’s treasure.
Repurpose: Renovation Instead of Demolition.
Recycle: Use high-recycled content materials instead of newly manufactured counterparts.

With our solutions, we want to increase
Number of projects where sustainable design methods are implemented instead of those where commercial materials are used.
Adoption of low carbon materials and renewable energy sources.
Net worth of your project.