About Us
Practicing sustainable architecture reflects in the usage of building materials, construction methods, resources and the building design in general.
Design Unbound helps you construct your projects with the goal of long-term energy and resource efficiency, along functional and aesthetically appealing spaces.

Sustainable design and construction

What We Do
Design Unbound can help you
- Reduce your dependency on fossil fuel energy
- Meet 50% of your energy requirements from renewable energy
- Reduce the total carbon emissions of your project
- Create an environment that is sensitive and inclusive to the people and the environment.

With our solutions, we want to increase
Number of projects where sustainable design methods are implemented instead of those where commercial materials are used.
Adoption of low carbon materials and renewable energy sources.
Net worth of your project.
Our Skillsets
As professionals in the field of sustainable architecture, we possess multiple skillsets pertaining to different construction methods. These methods have stemmed out of traditional methods of construction, also known as earth- building and require tremendous expertise and extraordinary workmanship to be executed successfully.

Lime Plaster Collaborations
Want to know more?
Reach out to us!